Saturday, November 27, 2010
What is Research to Me?
The most significant experience, for me, throughout the semester was the interview. I was able to select my participant, and design my questions. I learned that you cannot design your questions to make your participant answer in a certain way. You must instead have neutral questions that still answer what you need to know for your research. What surprised me the most about the interview was how smoothly I was able to transition from question to question. I also surprised myself by not getting too nervous. The interview helped my overall understanding of research method through comprehending how you choose your participants or sample. Everyone should have the opportunity to be chosen.
Research now means that we look for answers to understand and increase our knowledge about the world. My definition of research has changed somewhat. I always knew that research helped to advance our understanding, but at one point I felt it was more about looking into the past to change our actions for the future. Now I know that research does not only have to be applied historically.
The practical application of research in the “real world” in my opinion is solving problems. It can be at work, home, or anywhere. It may be researching what steam cleaner to buy in order for you not to lose your money. It may also be about researching how to higher your credit score, looking for honest sources. Everyday conversation can turn into an interview and have a purpose. Whether you are discussing what teacher to take next year (and why) or whether you are discussing what doctor not to go to. Research is used with us every day. That is why it is important to learn how to be partial, and not influence a person to answer a certain way: learning how to listen. Learning how to research is crucial because we utilize it, without knowing, all the time.
My current strengths are finding information. I am really good at historical research, and finding academic journals that help support my claim. I am able to easily find needed sources, and compare and contrast. My weakness would be organizing, though I have improved on it this semester. I sometimes get overwhelmed by all the sources, and my paper does not always have an easy flow to it; this is where I would like to improve.
Overall, my challenge for the next year and a half at ASU is to continue to improve not only on my writing, but also on my research. I can improve by constantly reviewing what I write and not procrastinating. Understanding the concept is the first step. Finishing what you understand, and helping others understand what you are trying to portray is important too. As long as I continue working hard, and constantly advancing in my writing: I too will be able to progress in my research.
Sunday, November 14, 2010
Data Organization
In my research project interpreting data is not an easy task. The main theme which will be drawn together is juvenile waiver and rates of recidivism. Recidivism rates are crucial to focus on because it is the problem that will be answered in my project. An important thing to focus on while interpreting the results is to not jump to over presumptuous conclusions. It is important that I truly understand my data for exactly what that data is.
While organizing my data it is important that I exemplify the data found to the reader. It is also crucial that it is easy to compare and contrast each set of data. Comparing data can demonstrate how efficient or inefficient a certain recidivism program or waiver is on the juveniles. It can also help the reader envision the results.
Using graphs as an organization and presentation technique is the best way to demonstrate the data in a report. It takes simple or complex data and puts that data into a visual picture. My readers will be able to see whether, in certain circumstances, waiver has an effect on juveniles committing more crimes. It will demonstrate and compare all data I find.
While presenting the information through graphs, I will also follow with explanations of each graph. I will explain where I found my findings. I will also interpret my findings to the reader. I will answer my research question, and interpret weather or not my hypothesis is correct.
Though data is not easy to organize, present, or interpret; when using techniques it will help my report to be clear and concise. Organization will also aid with the flow of the report. It will allow the reader to be able to easily follow without confusion. Organization of data is crucial to the success of a report.
Leedy, P., & Ormrod, J. (2010). Practical Research: Planning and Design (9 ed.). New Jersey: Pearson.
Mrs. Meacham's Classroom Snapshots. (2003). Retrieved November 10, 2010 from Graph of the Week/Day:
Sunday, October 17, 2010
In order to completely understand the juvenile system, I felt like an interview would be essential. The person I chose to interview was a correctional officer at a facility that housed both adult and juvenile inmates. He was also a patrol sheriff’s officer for Lafayette Parish. He has a lot of experience dealing with adult criminals and juvenile delinquents. The interview was conducted in person on October 15th at 12:30pm.
Q1: What type of correctional facility did you work at?
A1: “One that houses adults, juveniles, and both men and women.”
Q2: Was your facility mainly adults or juveniles?
A2: “Mainly adults.”
Q3: When did you begin working at the correctional facility?
A3: “September of 2004.”
Q4: How long did you work there for?
A4: “One Year in the correctional facility and eight months on patrol.”
Q5: What first made you work at the facility?
A5: “I was a criminal justice major, I wanted to work in the field, and needed a good job.”
Q6: How do you feel about juvenile waiver?
A6: “I think that it is sometimes acceptable depending on the type of crime in which the juvenile committed.”
Q7: When you worked in the Correctional Facility did you run into juveniles?
A7: “Yes.”
Q8: Was there any difference dealing with these juveniles, than dealing with the adults?
A8: “Yes, the juveniles had a false sense of reality and the consequences for their crimes. The juveniles were also usually more rowdy and higher strung.”
Q9: What type of programs, if any, did your facility offer for the juveniles whom were incarcerated?
A9: “They were able to be evaluated by the jail psychologist and they were also offered medical care. They were not allowed too many programs because there was not enough time in the day to get their programs in because they were not communally integrated with the adult inmates until 18.”
Q10: How do you feel about the fact that they were not allowed enough programs because of the lack of time?
A10: “I feel like it wasn’t the juveniles fault, but I think that the safety of the inmates and staff are above anything. You don’t want to have people get injured or killed, nor have staff lose their jobs because of integration of juveniles and adults.”
Q11: What differences, if any, were there between how the correctional officers treated the juveniles and how they treated the adults?
A11: “The juveniles often listened to the officers more and often wanted to contact their family. The juveniles always needed someone to talk to in order to keep their sanity. The adult inmates were not as needy. ”
Q12: How often, if at all, did you see juveniles released from your facility once again incarcerated?
A12: “Very often, it seemed like they did not have as much regard for the law, but once they turned 18 you would not see them back as soon. Some juveniles would come back within a week, where you might see an adult inmate come back six months later.”
Q13: Do you feel like there was anything that your facility did to help lessen the juveniles’ chances of recidivism?
A13: “No, I do not. The programs they were able to take were self-improvement programs, but they were not programs the juveniles could relate with or programs that would make them change their lives around.”
Q14: What type of difficulties, if any, did you run into when dealing with juveniles in a facility made mainly for adults?
A14: “Being able to give them full access to the prison, just like you would with an adult prisoner.”
Q15: Why were they not allowed to mingle with the adult prisoners?
A15: “Because it would be a liability, if anything happened to them. It is against the correctional facilities procedure, and the juveniles would probably be attacked by some of the adult inmates because of their vulnerability.”
Q16: Is there anything different that you would have liked to see done with the juveniles in your facility?
A16: “Just more programs and counseling to help them improve on themselves”.
Q17: Is there anything you would like to add to this interview?
A17: “That if someone commits a criminal act, they should serve time.”
Q18: What are your impressions of this interview?
A18: “It is informative.”
From this interview I learned that the system in place to help juvenile inmates is not working at this specific facility. The fact that juveniles leave and then come back within a week shows the juveniles need for better programs. I was also able to get a better understanding of the struggles an adult facility has while dealing with juveniles. It was important to fully understand the juveniles’ special needs, especially for mentors and people they could talk to. I see now, these juveniles need more programs they can relate to and programs that will help them have a better reverence for the law.
The interview went very smooth. I feel like I planned out my questions well, and was able to create more questions as I went along. I was very surprised that I did not shell up from shyness. I think that planning out the questions helped with that, and the fact that I was the one doing the interview. I also felt that asking basic questions at the beginning of the interview helped with the more difficult questions by the end.
I could improve future interviews for research purposes by learning how to create even more informative questions. I could also dig a little deeper. I should not be afraid to find out all the details of a subject. Learning how to create the perfect questions would help a lot with that. I think for my first interview I did really well, but my next interview will be even better.
Image Reference
De Luca, J. (2010). Vogelsang House Blog. Retrieved October 15, 2010 from Pod Press, Dalton Blogs:
Monday, September 13, 2010
Literature Review Juvenile Waiver
Juvenile waiver is the transfer of adolescents from the juvenile justice system to the adult court. I am choosing to research adolescents who commit crimes because of their vulnerability and possible need for rehabilitation. There is a lot of debate among scholars about the necessity of juvenile waivers. In my research I found two main camps, those who support waivers due to an increase of young violent offenders and those who are against juvenile waivers because of the inconsistencies of the system.
In one view scholars believe juvenile waiver is an issue because it does not prevent criminal activity. It weakens the juvenile justice system; especially, when there is not necessity because of lack of fluctuation in juvenile criminal activity. There is not enough research showing that juvenile waivers reduce recidivism, and therefore the process should not be in place (Wu 18; Steiner 6). Other scholars stand against juvenile waiver because of the lack of consistencies in the crimes, sentences, and reasoning for the waiver (Fagan 347; Freitas 329; Anders 227).
Many inconsistencies exist within waivers, and therefore many scholars oppose waivers. Inconsistencies within the waiver process was exemplified by Anders, “Two children, both fifteen years old, are charged with a crime. One child is tried as a juvenile and receives a five-year-sentence in a juvenile facility that has extensive rehabilitation programs. The other child, tried as an adult on the same charge, is sentenced to serve fifteen years in prison and forever branded with the stigma of being a convicted felon.” (p. 227). Does juvenile waiver truly prevent crime? To prevent crime society would have to change: including and not limited to the health system, regions, and lack of adolescent jobs (Merlo 11).
Views for juvenile waiver point out the impact of violent crime and youth that cannot be rehabilitated. One interpretation is that violent juveniles may overflow juvenile institutions causing havoc and hurting the rehabilitation process for adolescents who committed simple crimes (Clement 216). Waiver would be acceptable with adolescents that have high recidivism rates because all options and resources have been exhausted (Barnes 134).
In framing this debate on whether juvenile waiver to adult court is positive we lose incite that every case is different. Yet, in this debate what is lost is whether or not it is ethical to waive juveniles to adult court. Many scholars forget to mention the conditions prisons create for juveniles. There is no real protection from victimization, rehabilitation, and learning how to commit new and more precise crimes. What these scholars lacked in their arguments are whether or not these circumstances affect juveniles to have a lower or higher recidivism rate, and whether or not it deters other youth from committing adult crimes.
In my research, I need to find more information on the effects of the waiver process. In order to determine if juvenile waiver is ethical, I need to understand if it useful in society. I would also like to find more stories about children that went through adult court and children that went through the juvenile justice programs. I would like to merge all my research together to determine if the majority of recidivism happens using waivers, not using waivers, or if there is no difference.
Anders, J. L. (2005). Bad Children or a Bad System: Problems in Federal Interpretation of a Delinquent's Prior Record in Determining the Appropriateness of a Discretionary Judicial Waiver. [Electronic version]. Villanova Law Review, 50, 227-238.
Barnes, C. W., & Franz, . S. (1989). 'Questionably adult: Determinants and effects of the juvenile waiver decision'. [Editorial]. [Electronic version]. Justice Quarterly, 6, 117-135.
Clement, M. J. (1997). A Five-Year Study of Juvenile Waiver and Adult Sentences: Implications for Policy. [Electronic version]. Criminal Justice Policy Review , 8, 201-219.
Fagan, J., & Deschenes, E. P. (1990). Determinants of Judicial Waiver Decisions for Violent Juvenile Offenders. [Electronic version]. The Journal of Criminal Law & Criminology, 81, 314-347.
Freitas, S. (1995). Extending the Privilege against Self-Incrimination to the Juvenile Waiver Hearing. [Editorial]. [Electronic version]. The University of Chicago Law Review, 62, 301-329.
Merlo, A. V., PH.D., Benekos, P. J., PH.D., & Cook, W. J., PH.D. (2009). ‘GETTING TOUGH’ WITH YOUTH Legislative waiver as crime control. [Electronic version]. Juvenile and Family Court Journal, 48, 1-15.
Steiner, B., MA, & Hemmens, C. J., PH.D. (2009). Juvenile Waiver 2003: Where Are We Now? [Electronic version]. Juvenile and Family Court Journal, 54, 1-24.
Wu, B., PH.D. (2009). Determinants of Public Opinion Toward Juvenile Waiver Decisions. [Electronic version]. Juvenile and Family Court Journal, 51, 9-20.
Hand cuffs and Kids. (2005). Retrieved September 14, 2010 from flightpundit:
Sunday, August 29, 2010
What is Research to Me?
"Research is to see what everybody else has seen, and to think what nobody else has thought" -Albert Szent- Gyorgyi
Without research we would not understand what is truly significant. Research is searching, comprehending, and exposing minds to new possibilities. Research is crucial in order to change our past actions and to comprehend possibilities on changing the future. Research aids society in its development. There are many intricacies that are solved through the understanding and expediting of research. Paul Leedy (2010) explains the hypothesis of certain research in his ninth edition to the book Practical Research, “It may direct your thinking to possible sources of information that will aid in resolving more subproblems and, in the process, the principle research problem” (p. 4). Research has a set structure, which helps minimize the possibility of error. Following specific guidelines allows the researcher to more fully answer the problem and helps those more effusively understand the results. The problems of society can only be solved if a person is willing to research, and if that research is expedited appropriately and efficiently.
In “Chaos in the Courtroom Reconsidered: Emotional Bias and Juror Nullification” Horowitz effectively researches the perceptual predisposition jurors can have in the court room, and the effect predisposition has on the overall outcome of trials. The article was found in JSTOR database in the academic journal Law and Human Behavior . The article was reviewed by researchers in sociology as well as by Horowitz who has a doctorate in sociology. The article was then published by Springer one of the top scientific publishing companies. Horowitz’s research question was whether or not the jury’s perceptual predisposition would have an effect over the overall outcome of the trial (p. 163). The article describes new data through a simulated trial online to decide significant expressive reactions. Organizationally Horowitz’s data was uncomplicated. His research was effective and allowed me to easily comprehend how he performed his simulated trial, and the significance of his research.
Horowitz was not reluctant to help those who were subsequent to him in his research understand his research stages. Horowitz began with his Research question and hypothesis. He stated that there indeed would be an effect on jurors through emotional bias (p. 163). He described the chaos theory as “unpredictable and mean spirited verdicts” (177). He also incorporated in his research the diverse assortments of prejudice that a juror could have, while explaining past research on fairness and ethics and how it has been proven in the past to cause too much passion (167). He goes on to draw a model of his research, and in detail explaining his exact research method and design. To look for error he controls his variables. Horowitz then compares it to other verdicts from the past and precedent research showing that jury instruction does not have an effect on outcomes of trials (p. 176). In the conclusion Horowitz finds (dissimilar to precedent research) that jury instruction can cause disorder in the courtroom making jury members additionally disposed to emotional reaction and changing their verdicts (179). I would agree with interpretation of results because Horowitz had much strength to his argument, and he also controlled for errors. He saw how emotional jurors got over instructions and how it often had a counteraction, and caused the jury to return different verdicts.
“Chaos in the Courtroom Reconsidered: Emotional Bias and Juror Nullification” is adequate to my definition of research because it examines knowledge that is crucial for us to know in order to improve our trial process in society. Horowitz also expedites his research with a set structure. He made sure to state his restrictions, and minimizes as much error as possible. He aided us in understanding the results, and it is because of him that we can have the knowledge of the effect of juror instructions. Without this knowledge, we are not capable of fighting for a change.
As a researcher and writer my strengths are that I am able to choose a subject and become involved in that subject. I am a very emotional writer, which to my advantage helps me get more involved in what I am researching. At the same time being an emotional writer can have an effect on your writing. Sometimes, I can carry on too much, or get off track. I will leverage my emotional writing and research, and try to use it to my benefit, instead of getting too involved, I will let the research take its course, and comprehend it to a fuller extent.
Horowitz, I., Kerr, N., Park, E., & Gockel, C. (2006). Chaos in The Courtroom Reconsidered: Emotional Bias and Juror Nullification. Law and Human Behavior, 30(2), 163-81.
Leedy, P., & Ormrod, J. (2010). Practical Research: Planning and Design (9 ed.). New Jersey: Pearson.
NUI Maynooth South Campus Russell Library. (2006, January 19). NUI Maynooth - Welcome. Retrieved August 26, 2010, from